Recommendation & Review

My Complete List of Bromances in Mangas, Animes, Novels, Movies & Dramas

(Last Updated: November 2023. This is a frequently updated post to reflect the most recent status of my so-called Bromance Discovery Journey haha.)

I’d like to think that my priority in life is to live & breathe bromance.

I have been seriously, emotionally investing myself in various formats of fiction for 15+ years now and I can assure you one thing: I have standards.

This is my very own list of works that I have handpicked from all those years. They can be of different genres and countries of origin, yet have one thing in common: They all feature some great bromance. Just a small note, something you might also notice while checking through this list: I’m particularly obsessed with Mystery and Investigation (grew up reading way too many whodunit mysteries, I suppose :D), so I tend to appreciate them a tad more than other genres.

I intend to write a proper review for most of the titles in the first 2 tables gradually so people would understand why they make it to the list (aka why I like them so much).

Needless to say, all of the below judgment is entirely personal.

*Asterisk beside the name denotes an adaptation that is bromantic in nature but the original material is in fact BL.

The A-List: Works where the bromance is heavily featured and is a main focus of the story. (Please click on the Name to see the review)

The GuestSonDramaHorror / MysteryKorea10
Beyond EvilGoemul Drama Investigation Korea 10
Himitsu – Top SecretHimitsu – Top SecretComicInvestigationJapan10
Grave Robbers’ ChroniclesDaomu BijiNovelAdventure / MysteryChina10
Strangers From HellTaineun JiogidaDramaThrillerKorea9
Soul of GoQi Hun / Hikaru No GoDramaSportsChina9
Omniscient Reader’s ViewpointJeonjijeog Dogja SijeomNovelFantasyKorea9
Reunion: The Sound of The ProvidenceChong Qi Zhi Ji Hai Ting LeiDramaAdventureChina8.5
Word of Honor*Shan He LingDramaHistorical / Martial ArtsChina8.5
The Blood of Youth Shaonian Ge XingDramaHistorical / Martial ArtsChina8.5
Secretly, GreatlyEunmilhage WidaehageMovieActionKorea8.5
Tiger & BunnyTiger & BunnyAnimationSuperheroJapan8.5
My Big Brother’s Brain Has A PitWo Jia Da Shixiong Naozi You KengComicFantasyChina8.5
The Last DestinyNan Ting GuweiComicSupernaturalChina8.5
From Eroica With LoveEroica Yori Ai O KometeComicAdventure / ComedyJapan8.5
The Case Study of VanitasVanitas No ShukiComicFantasyJapan8.5
Ace AttorneyGyakuten SaibanGameLegal DramaJapan8.5
Psychopath DiarySsaikopaeseu DaieoriDramaMysteryKorea8
Ultimate NoteZhong Ji BijiDramaAdventureChina8
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty*Cheng Hua Shisi NianDramaHistorical / InvestigationChina8
Under The SkinLie Zui TujianDramaInvestigationChina8
A League of NoblemanJunzi MengDramaHistorical / InvestigationChina8
Mysterious Lotus CasebookLian Hua LouDramaHistorical / InvestigationChina8
The Devil JudgeAngmapansaDramaThrillerKorea8
Oh No! Here Comes TroubleBu Liang Zhi Nian Qing Chu ShiDramaSupernaturalTaiwan8
Good OmensGood OmensDramaFantasyUK8
Midnight RunnersMidnight RunnersMovieActionKorea8
The MercilessBulhandang: Nabbeun Nomdeului SesangMovieActionKorea8
Shoot Me In The HeartNae Simjangeul SswaraMovieDramaKorea8
Marry My Dead BodyGuanyu Wo He Gui Biancheng Jiaren De Na Jian ShiMovieInvestigationTaiwan8
Eight Clouds RisingYakumo TatsuComicSupernaturalJapan8
Haunted Houses’ ChroniclesXiongzhai BijiNovelSupernaturalChina8
The Lost Tomb 2: Wrath of The SeaDaomu Biji: Nu Hai Qian ShaDramaAdventureChina7.5
Anti Fraud LeagueFan Pian TianxiaDramaInvestigationChina7.5
Time RaidersDaomu BijiMovieAdventureChina7.5
Hakata Tonkotsu RamensHakata Tonkotsu RamensAnimationInvestigation
Trigun StampedeTrigun StampedeAnimationSci-FiJapan7.5
The Morose MononokeanFukigen Na MononokeanComicSupernaturalJapan7.5
Banana FishBanana FishComicThrillerJapan7.5
The Lost Tomb 1Daomu Biji DramaAdventureChina7
S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation*S.C.I. Mi An JiDramaInvestigationChina7
The Gifted HandsPsycho-metry MovieInvestigationKorea7
The Millionaire Detective: Balance UnlimitedFugou KeijiAnimationInvestigationJapan7
Shuuten UnknownShuuten UnknownComicFantasyJapan7
Seraph of The EndOwari No SeraphComicSupernaturalJapan7
Silvern KingdomShirogane No OuComicFantasyJapan7
Wild HalfWild HalfComicFantasyJapan7
Silver DiamondSilver DiamondComicFantasyJapan7
My New Boss Is A Natural AirheadAtarashii Joushi Wa DotennenComicSlice of LifeJapan7
Soul ContractLing QiComicFantasyChina7
Vampire LibraryVampire Do Seo GwanComicFantasyKorea7
Bloody MaryBloody MaryComicFantasyJapan6.5
Stand By MeJuezeDramaNoirChina6
Monochrome FactorMonochrome FactorComicFantasyJapan6

The B-List: In these works, the bromance might not always be in the limelight, either because the plot is busy dealing with things of much bigger stakes (eg: Hunter x Hunter), the bromance only starts to bloom at certain parts (eg: D.Gray-Man), or there is another relationship that takes the central seat (eg: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles). Nevertheless, these bromances deserve a mention because they are pretty good in their own rights.

Hunter x HunterHunter x HunterComicFantasyJapan9.5
Under The MicroscopeXian Wei Jing Xia De Da MingDramaHistorical / InvestigationChina9.5
Cultivation Chat GroupXiu Zhen Liaotian QunNovelFantasyChina9
I Am NobodyYi Ren Zhi XiaDramaFantasyChina8.5
Cook Up A StormJue Zhan Shi ShenMovieCookingChina8
91 DaysNainti Wan DeizuAnimationNoirJapan8
Tsubasa Reservoir ChroniclesTsubasa: Reservoir ChroniclesComicFantasyJapan8
Detective School QTaiten Gakuen QComicInvestigationJapan8
Psych HunterXin Zhai Lie RenDramaSupernaturalChina7.5
Samurai FlamencoSamurai FlamencoAnimationAction/ComedyJapan7.5
Sherlock: Untold StoriesSharokkuDramaInvestigationJapan7
Vatican Miracle ExaminerBachikan Kiseki ChosakanAnimationInvestigationJapan6

The Other List: Works that I have checked out but not managed to reach the end. I believe they are all chock full of bromance, but they somehow do not strongly clique with me. Don’t get me wrong; in no way am I saying that they are not good — just not exactly my taste ^^ They are listed here for your reference (perhaps you will come to like them more than I do?). I would neither assign any personal score nor write any detailed review for the works on this list.

The list, in addition, contains some names that could really have been to my taste, but due to various reasons (for example, horrendous CGI and unbearable acting by supporting actors *ahem Guardian ahem*), I never managed to finish them…( TДT)

The Lost Tomb 2: Heavenly Palace On The CloudsDaomu Biji: Yun Ding Tian GongDramaAdventureChina
Save MeGuhaejwoDramaMysteryKorea
Guardian*Zhen HunDramaSupernaturalChina
Killer And Healer*Hen Jun Bu Si Jiang Lou YueDramaThrillerChina
My Roommate Is A DetectiveMin Guo Qi TanDramaInvestigationChina
Ancient DetectiveXia Tan Jian Bu ZhiDramaHistorical / InvestigationChina
The Silent CriminalShuang Yao JiDrama Historical / Investigation China
CheckmateMin Guo Da Zhen TanDramaInvestigationChina
Prince of TennisFen Dou Ba, Shaonian!DramaSportsChina
Once Upon A Time In Lingjian MountainCong Qian You Zuo Lingjian ShanDramaHistorical / FantasyChina
Free!Free!Animation SportsJapan
Blast of Tempest Zetsuen No Tempest Animation FantasyJapan
My Hero AcademiaBoku no Hiro AkademiaComicFantasyJapan
Kuroko’s BasketballKuroko No BasketComicSportsJapan
Devils & RealistMakai OjiComicFantasyJapan
Nabari No OuNabari No OuComicFantasyJapan
Pandora HeartsPandora HeartsComicFantasyJapan
Undertaker RiddleSougiya RiddleComicFantasyJapan
The S-Class That I RaisedNaega Kiun SgeubdeulNovelFantasyKorea
Trash of The Count’s FamilyBaegjaggaui Mangnaniga DoeeossdaNovelFantasyKorea

The Queuing List: As the name might already suggest, I haven’t completed these yet or may check them out one day. This list is made as I research around (I’m pretty obsessed with researching on bromance works, so to speak. Should have taken it as a major back in college xD). Even though there are neither personal scores nor reviews for these titles (yet), I hope they can make good references for you.

Nirvana In FireLangya BangDramaHistorical / FantasyChina
The HauntingXiongzhai BijiDramaSupernaturalChina
Bad And CrazyBad And CrazyDramaThrillerKorea
Mad DogMaedeudokDramaInvestigationKorea
Racket BoysRakes-sonyeondanDramaSportsKorea
Hot Stove LeagueSeutobeurigeuDramaSportsKorea
Link ClickShiguang Daili RenAnimationInvestigationChina
Bungou Stray DogsBungou Stray DogsAnimationFantasyJapan
Black ButlerKuroshitshujiComicFantasy/MysteryJapan
Trapped In A Webnovel As A Good-For-NothingNa Honja Soseol Sog MangnaniComicFantasyKorea
Lord of The MysteriesGuimi Zhi ZhuNovelFantasy/MysteryChina
The Legend of Sun KnightWu Ming QishiNovelFantasyTaiwan
Son: The Guest (K-Drama) Review
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1 year ago

Thank you for this list! I love almost all of these series (from all 3 lists) and I’m going to use this to find more stuff I haven’t discovered yet!

I guarantee that Getbackers is one of the best bromances I’ve read. I recommend it!(even though it’s on your list, I know…)

And Guardian is more of a censored BL, so I don’t think it should even be here…

1 year ago
Reply to  BlackDia

As for more recommendations I have,

1) Ryman’s club

2) Switch (by Naked Ape)

3) Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru (I’ve only watched the anime. It’s based on a novel though)

4) Saraiya Goyou5) Kai byoui Ramune6) ACCA

7) 2.43 (Volleyball anime based on a novel)

8) Di(e)ce

9) Tsuritama10) Trickster

11) Bimyou ni Yashashii Ijimekko

12) Gifted (by Seimaru Amagi alias Aoki Yuuya; author of Getbackers)

13) Sabikui Bisco

14) Kare ni irai shite wa ikemasen

15) Housekishou Richard-shi no nazo kantei

16) Nanashi – Nakushita Nanika Sagashikata (warning! – this is 100% despair and tragedy but the main relationship is bromance…)

This list turned out longer than I thought 🙂
You might not like all of them but I wanted to contribute to the bromance fandom coz I’m a major bromance fan myself, lol.

Last edited 1 year ago by BlackDia
1 year ago
Reply to  BlackDia

17) Link Click (Shiguang Dailiren) Highly recommend it!

18)Yakumo Tatsu (Finished reading it recently. Damn good bromance!)

6 months ago
Reply to  BlackDia

19) Togabito no Kokuin (Original light novel has 6 volume ongoing + 1 spin off and manga adaptation is 3 volumes complete. Looks really really good!!!)

Silver Lining
Silver Lining
1 year ago

Hey, I think you’ll like the movie Master (2016)! It might not look too appealing but honestly, I kinda like the bromance that I noticed in there! It’s not the highlight of the show but I still love it whenever I notice it! I checked out some of your recommendations and couldn’t say that I was disappointed at all! I really like My Big Brother’s Brain Has A Pit, The Case Study of Vanitas, The Guest, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint and of course your rambles about them! And really, thanks for your blog that keeps me updated about the infamous Daomu Biji! We stan Nan Pai San Shu!

(Pure rambles, like, for real.)

I checked out The Legend of Sun Knight by accident and love the humor, like pure humor for real. Haven’t finished it yet because—you know—procrastination is real, haha.

I also love Haikyuu!!, finished it just recently, can’t say I’m not sad knowing Karasuno will lose but, eh. Yep, I finished the anime. Will probably end it with the manga later.

Bungou Stray Dogs, yeah. Finished that, done and dusted. Can’t wait for the end of Decay of Angels arc honestly. Still worried for Chuuya and Akutagawa. Tsk, hahaha.

Link Click, I thought—I thought you recommended that uh. Anyway, yeah. Seriously when is the second season coming. Damn the good cliffhanger.

Trash of Count’s Family! Wow, I didn’t expect that here but I didn’t finish it, haha! Surprise, surprise, eh. Was probably too long for me even though I can probably finish it given that I have the willpower to finish ORV… Well, barely.

I guess you don’t like sports genre too much then, hahaha. Well, if there’s anyone interested, there’s Tsurune I guess. It’s archery, if you’re wondering. Yep, Kuroko’s Basketball too, and Free!. I can’t say I’m in the mood for more sports though now…

Erm, if you like fluff then I guess there’s also Touken Ranbu Hanamaru.

Oh, yeah! I’m also currently checking out Himitsu The Top Secret after delaying it so many times. Welp, can’t say I’ll finish it quickly though. Haven’t finished Strangers From Hell too, unfortunately.

Weak Hero Class One! I love the different take on the manga instead. I can’t wait for season two. Finished the manga! Or following it, I guess.

I think that’s all! Thanks for reading this, lol!

2 years ago

Hello there !

I just wanted to thank you so so much for your blog. It was here that my love for PingXie blossomed and I got deeper into the Daomu fandom. I don’t regret a thing LOLOL. Amazing recommendations too! I really want to watch The Guest but it’s too scary 😭 . I’ll definitely watch it one day though to witness the bromance! Thank you again for such an amazing list !!!

Some recommendations that I’ve seen/heard about include:
Wild Adaptor (Japan, Manga)League of Nobleman (China, Drama)Sabikui Bisco (Japan, Anime)The Blood of Youth (China, Drama)The Silent Criminal (China, Drama)Hakkenden (Japan, Anime)
Not too sure if you watch 3D Chinese animations but, I’ll drop some titles:

Legend of ExorcismThe Land of MiraclesHope you enjoy !

Last edited 2 years ago by Lulu
2 years ago

Hi! i want to thank you for this amazing list!! im a sucker for bromance lol its such a lifesaver! aannndd i want to recommend you some manga with great bromance that i lovesss;

Moriarty the patriot

Bimyou ni asashii ijimekko

Atarashii joushi wa dotenzen

A mild noble’s vacation sugestion

Youkai apato no yuuga na nichijou

Makai ouji

illegenes-kokuyou no kiseki-

i wish you and anyone who read my comment will be able to check them out since those all very much enjoyable to read!<3

2 years ago

First of all thank you♡ , your blog helped me to watch more bromance dramas , and My fav genre is invastigation and thriller too
There are few dramas I would like if u add them to the list :
Boku wa doko kara
49 days with a merman
Junkyouju takatsuki akira no suisatsu *I hope the spelling is right ‘-_-*
Being a hero
Thats all , three of them are crime mystrey stuff , u will enjoy them ,49 days is another level of bromance , it feels like romance sometime , I hope u check them 🙂

2 years ago

The Untamed
Mou da Su Zhi

Minna Min
Minna Min
3 years ago

Hi, I just want to say that I really appreciate your lists and recommendations, I just finished the guest ^^ it was interesting.

somehow… it makes me happy to see series like Merlin, samurai flamenco, the Japanese Sherlock, Hannibal, T&B, and Saiyuki on your list

Saiyuki, Hannibal and get bakers, I know you have them on the waiting list so I mention them as a shy attempt to get you to see them as soon as possible

and > < I also want to give my small contribution recommending you Gankutsuou “the Count of Monte Cristo” a futuristic anime version of the Alexandre Dumas novel, I think it’s beautiful, I honestly considered it on the same level as Hannibal and I think both are similar to the devil judge, one for the cinematic and the other for the story

in terms of Korean dramas Chief Kim totally a bromance, funny a little enemy to friends to what your imagination wants later, and… maybe Mad Dog? because is cute~ although I think this one would stay on the B-list

3 years ago

Have you seen “shoot me in the heart” ?
It’s a korean movie
It kinda feel like romance sometimes instead of bromance 😂

3 years ago

Happy to have found a fellow kindred spirit in the bromance pit! o(^o^)o I recommend The Unique Legend (特殊传说), the beginning is a bit slow but once it gets going it hits you with a brick sack of bromance

3 years ago

I recommend D.P. , it’s only 6 epsiode , the second lead appears at episode 2 , so the bromance start at ep. 2.
You should also check Hikaru no Go ( the chinese drama adaptation)

Dead Saturn
Dead Saturn
3 years ago

You should check “Killer and Healer.” It’s supposedly a bl but turned out to be a bromance due to China government censorship. (Chinese drama) (there is an ongoing novel)

3 years ago

You should add beyond evil (kdrama). Just finished watching it, it was so intense.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michelle N.


3 years ago

I love your recommendations! Thank you so much for working on this blog. I stumbled on here by looking for something bromantic to watch while I wait for new episodes of Link Click — which, by the way, I wholeheartedly recommend as a fellow bromance lover. The chinese name is Shiguang Daili Ren. It’s rare to find such a heart-wrenching, beautiful and entertaining original animation, and with two pretty boys as leads? My life hasn’t been the same since. Every moment I spend longing for a new episode, haha. There is just something so good about their dynamics — it’s less touchy than I usually prefer, but it still manages to hit all my sweet spots. And the emotion… Man. It has made me tear up and feel things, which not many stories do. So yeah. Did I make it clear that I love it? 😀

3 years ago

Recommending some from China: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Heaven’s Official Blessings. Both are written by the same author, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  Ranz

Thankyou so much!
I recommend you to add the folloing series white collar (US) ,Suits (US), Icerde (Turkish), Nine tailed fox (Korea), School 2013 (Korea)

4 years ago

The Legend of the Sun Knight is absolutely amazing. No real romance, lot of bromance between many of the main characters. I highly recommend it.

Tamaki Hunter
Tamaki Hunter
4 years ago

Lucky to have stumbled across ur blog!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tamaki Hunter


Tamaki Hunter
Tamaki Hunter
4 years ago

You know something, your mind speaks my language. This list n ur tastes n the entire blog itself….we can be good friends. I spend my time looking up bromance so much, yeah even in real life, so yeah…thanks for this list a lot!!!!

Tamaki Hunter
Tamaki Hunter
4 years ago
Reply to  Michelle N.

Yeah sure! U have high standards n we click good too! There r dramas which r bromantic but ongoing, n i cant wait for those to end to binge watch all.

4 years ago

Definitely check out Nirvana in Fire!!

4 years ago

Came here to read The Invasion Day, but ended up with a lot of recommendations! I like! You have a fantastic blog. I don’t think I have time to read/watch all of your recommendations, but I know where to go when I do have free time. Sounds like you have very high standards and good taste

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