Daomu Biji (The Lost Tomb) Universe – The Right Order To Read & Watch Everything
(Last Updated: July 2022. This is a frequently updated post to reflect the most recent status of the Daomu Universe.)
As you may know, Daomu Biji, or The Lost Tomb / Grave Robbers’ Chronicles in English, is an epic novel series. The world building is extensive and the story expands into more and more mysteries as the timeline moves along. Apart from the Main Story which spans 9 parts, there are a number of sequels, prequels and extra stories. As of July 2021, author Nan Pai San Shu has built the universe to grow over 1600 chapters.
This post will talk about the chronological order of the books as well as other media adaptations, with the book titles translated by me. Please note that: 1) These English titles are not official. There may exist other versions of translations, and 2) Some of my title translations have been diverted slightly from the original meaning, since direct translation would unlikely make sense in English context.
Also, to provide an overview on the main events that take place in the Daomu universe, the blog is currently writing up English summaries for each book.
Allow me to also take this chance to answer a million-dollar question that I was once asked on Tumblr ^^: “How many volumes of Daomu Biji are there actually?”. Each line item below is actually one part, not one physical volume. The reason for this is because each part has a different number of chapters, thus it would be challenging to squeeze each into a separate volume. To help you better understand and gauge the length of each part, I have noted the number of volumes right below its Title. For easy estimation, each volume contains about 50-60 chapters.
Daomu Biji The Novel
Main Story – 盗墓笔记 (Dàomù Bǐjì)
9 Parts/Books – 8 Volumes
Book 1. 七星鲁王宫 (Qī Xīng Lǔ Wáng Gōng): The Seven-Star Palace of Lu Shang Wang
Book 2. 怒海潜沙 (Nù Hǎi Qián Shā): Sands Hidden In The Raging Sea
Book 3. 秦岭神树 (Qín Lǐng Shén Shù): Qinling’s Sacred Tree
Book 4. 云顶天宫 (Yún Dǐng Tiān Gōng): Heavenly Palace On The Clouds
Book 5. 蛇沼鬼城 (Shé Zhǎo Guǐ Chéng): Ghost Kingdom of The Snakes
Book 6. 迷海归巢 (Mí Hǎi Guī Cháo): Homecoming
Book 7. 阴山古楼 (Yīn Shān Gǔ Lóu): Ancient Mansion Down Under
Book 8. 邛笼石影 (Qióng Lóng Shí Yǐng): Deadly Mansion, Mystic Cave
Book 9. 大结局: The Grand Finale
藏海花 (Zàng Hǎi Huā): Tibetan Sea Flower
2 Volumes & Unfinished
沙海 (Shā Hǎi): Sand Sea
4 Volumes & Unfinished
十年 (Shí Nián): Ten Years Later
1 Volume
重启之极海听雷 (Chóng Qǐ Zhī Jí Hǎi Tīng Léi): Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea
4 Volumes
灯海寻尸 (Dēng Hǎi Xún Shī): Finding Corpse In A Sea of Lights
万山极夜 (Wàn Shān Jí Yè): Final Night At Vast Mountains
3-4 volumes (TBC)
老九门 (Lǎo Jiǔ Mén): The Old Nine Gates
2 Volumes & Unfinished
南部档案 (Nán Bù Dǎng Àn): Archives of The South
1 Volume & Unfinished
Extra Stories (to be updated)
Since 2009, Nan Pai San Shu has written many, many extra stories revolving around the families, organisations and individuals in the universe of Daomu, which spread across many different timelines.
Almost all of these are posted on his personal WeChat and not yet published as physical volumes. The Extra Stories are a mix of single-chapter and multi-chapter ones, totaling roughly 400+ chapters (and increasing).
Even till today, Extra Stories are still being released almost on a yearly basis (one could even say that Nan Pai San Shu writes a new extra whenever he feels like). Since I have not read all of them, the Extra Stories section will be continuously updated as and when I finish any new extra.
The Extra Stories below are listed in the order of the year that they came out (as much I could try to, since they are really all over the place).
Multi-Chapter Extra Stories
吴邪的私家笔记: Wu Xie’s Private Notes
贺岁篇 2009: New Year’s Writing 2009
贺岁篇 2014 · 幻境: New Year’s Writing 2014 · Illusion Realm
贺岁篇 2015 · 七指: New Year’s Writing 2015 · Seven Fingers
贺岁篇 2016 · 钓王: New Year’s Writing 2016 · Fishing King
贺岁篇 2017 · 盲塚: New Year’s Writing 2017 · The Blind Mound
贺岁篇 2018 · 南部档案: New Year’s Writing 2018 · Archives of The South
千面: Thousand Faces
雨村笔记: Rain Village Diary
Single-Chapter/Short Extra Stories
(there are a lot of these, at least 50 or so)
三日静寂: Three Days of Silence
追忆@张起灵: Zhang Qiling’s Memories
解语花的一天: A Day of Jie Yuhua
黑瞎子师傅: Master Hei Xiazi
新春賀歲篇 2015 · 此時彼方: New Year’s Writing of Spring 2015 · Of Here, and Of There
原来随时死是这么一种感觉: Sometimes Death Is A Sort of Feeling
他们在干什么集: What Are They Doing
铁三角的雨村日常: The Daily Life of Iron Triangle in Yu Village
中秋段子 2019: Mid Autumn Festival 2019
Daomu Biji The Dramas & Movies
With the understanding that many of us get to know Daomu via its drama adaptations, and the fact that I’ve been asked this question about a million times now LOL, I’m adding this specific portion to talk about the Order of watching all Daomu drama & movie adaptations till date.
I can imagine that Daomu dramas are rather confusing, because:
1. It changes the cast every single season.
2. The adaptations don’t smoothly connect to each other, for eg, season 2 ends at a cliffhanger but season 3 never follows it. Not to mention the time gap.
3. Each adaptation may come out whenever they feel like, adapt whichever part of the novel they feel like, and insert whatever random elements that the novel never mentions at all, as they feel like…
Saying that, sharing an important fact that the very author of the novel, Nan Pai San Shu, opens his own production company Nan Pai Entertainment to produce and supervise a number of adaptations for the books. However, the Main Story adaptations (aka The Lost Tomb 1 (2015), The Lost Tomb 2: Wrath of The Sea (2019), The Lost Tomb 2: Heavenly Palace on The Clouds and Ultimate Note (2020) dramas), are done by Huanrui Century, the company which Nan Pai San Shu sold the copyright of Main Story to. Now that may help to briefly explain why there is a gap in production quality between certain adaptations *ahem*, and why the drama adaptations’ order is all jumbled up. There’s a long, complex story behind all this copyright issue, if you are interested to hear more details, feel free to drop me a DM on my Tumblr.
So, even if you watch the dramas according to the exact order below, note that there won’t be a continuous story ( •́ ∧ •̀ ). With all that long-winded explanation, here’s the rough order:
Adaptation | Which part of the novel does it adapt? |
The Lost Tomb 1 (12 episodes, 2015) | Main Story, Part 1: The Seven-Star Palace of Lu Shang Wang. |
The Lost Tomb 2: Wrath of The Sea (40 episodes, 2019) | Main Story, Part 2: Sands Hidden In The Raging Sea, Part 3: Qinling’s Sacred Tree and first half of Part 4: Heavenly Palace On The Clouds. |
The Lost Tomb 2: Heavenly Palace On The Clouds (24 episodes, 2021) | Main Story, Part 4: Heavenly Palace On The Clouds. |
Ultimate Note (36 episodes, 2020) | Main Story, Part 5: Ghost Kingdom of The Snakes, Part 6: Homecoming, Part 7: Ancient Mansion Down Under and Part 8: Deadly Mansion, Mystic Cave. |
Mystic Nine (48 episodes, 2016) | Prequel The Old Nine Gates, which takes place many years before Main Story. It mainly tells the story of the first generation of The Nine Gates, which includes Wu Xie’s grandfather Wu Lao Gou. Watching this will help you better understand the backstory of Daomu Biji Main Story. |
Tomb of The Sea (52 episodes, 2018) | Sequel Sand Sea, which takes place 8-9 years after Main Story. |
Time Raiders (1 movie, 2016) | Not part of the novel, but timeline-wise, it should be almost 10 years after Main Story. Specifically, the movie happens right before Wu Xie goes to the Bronze Gate to bring Zhang Qiling home after the latter has completed his duty of guarding the gate for 10 years. |
Reunion: The Sound of The Providence (62 episodes, 2020) | Sequel Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea, which takes place 12 years after Main Story. |
Daomu Biji in Major Media
As one of the most influential and well-known webnovel series of China, it is no wonder that Daomu Biji has been adapted into various formats over the years. Dramas, movies, comics, animations, games, stage plays, original songs, concerts… you name it, we have it.
The below lists down all the major adaptations in the order of the year that they came out.
━ 2013 ━

盗墓笔记话剧 I: 七星鲁王宫
Daomu Biji The Stage Play I: The Seven-Star Palace Of Lu Shang Wang
Type: Stage play
Year: 2013
Length: 1 play
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 1. The Seven-Star Palace Of Lu Shang Wang
━ 2014 ━

Daomu Biji The Comic
Type: Comic
Year: 2014
Length: 152 chapters
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 1. The 7-Star Palace Of Lu Shang Wang and Part 2. Sands Hidden In The Raging Sea
━ 2015 ━

盗墓笔记话剧 II:怒海潜沙
Daomu Biji The Stage Play II: Sands Hidden In The Raging Sea
Type: Stage play
Year: 2015
Length: 1 play
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 2. Sands Hidden In The Raging Sea

Daomu Biji Comic: Tibetan Sea Flower
Type: Comic
Year: 2015
Length: 91 chapters, unfinished
— Adaptation of sequel novel Tibetan Sea Flower

The Lost Tomb 1
Type: Drama
Produced by: Huanrui Century
Year: 2015
Length: 12 episodes
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 1. The Seven-Star Palace Of Lu Shang Wang
━ 2016 ━

盗墓笔记话剧 III:云顶天宫
Daomu Biji The Stage Play III: Heavenly Palace On The Clouds
Type: Stage play
Year: 2016
Length: 1 play
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 4. Heavenly Palace On The Clouds

Mystic Nine
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2016
Length: 48 episodes
— Adaptation of prequel novel The Old Nine Gates

Mystic Nine: Side Stories
Type: Movie
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2016
Length: 4 movies
• Side Story 1: 恒河杀树 Ganges Killing the Trees
• Side Story 2: 四屠黄葵 Four Belongs to Abelmoschus
• Side Story 3: 虎骨梅花 Tiger Bones Plum Blossom
• Side Story 4: 二月花开 Flowers Bloom in February
— Original plot based on the events and characters of prequel novel The Old Nine Gates

Time Raiders
Type: Movie
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2016
Length: 1 movie
— Original plot based on the events and characters of Main Story
━ 2017 ━

Daomu Biji The Stage Play: New Moon Hotel
Type: Stage Play
Year: 2017
Length: 1 play
— Adaptation of New Moon Hotel arc, part of prequel novel The Old Nine Gates
━ 2018 ━

Daomu Biji The Stage Play: Tibetan Sea Flower
Type: Stage play
Year: 2018
Length: 1 play
— Adaptation of sequel novel Tibetan Sea Flower

Tomb Of The Sea
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2018
Length: 52 episodes
— Adaptation of sequel novel Sand Sea

Tomb Of The Sea: Side Stories
Type: Movie
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2018
Length: 3 movies
• Side Story 1: 蚌人 Oyster Man
• Side Story 2: 画媒 Painting Clues
• Side Story 3: 燃骨 Burning Bones
— Original plot based on the events and characters of sequel novel Sand Sea

盗墓笔记漫画:重启 (2018)
Daomu Biji Comic: Reboot (2018)
Type: Comic
Year: 2018
Length: 41 chapters, dropped
— Adaptation of sequel novel Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea

Daomu Biji Comic: Archives of The South
Type: Comic
Year: 2018
Length: 22 chapters, dropped
— Adaptation of extra story Archives of The South
━ 2019 ━

盗墓笔记话剧 IV:蛇沼鬼城
Daomu Biji The Stage Play IV: Ghost Kingdom of The Snakes
Type: Stage play
Year: 2019
Length: 1 play
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 5. Ghost Kingdom of The Snakes

盗墓笔记漫画:重启 (2019)
Daomu Biji Comic: Reboot (2019)
Type: Doujinshi
Year: 2019
Length: 90+ chapters, ongoing
— Original plot based on the characters of sequel novel Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea

The Lost Tomb 2: Wrath Of The Sea / The Lost Tomb 2: Explore With The Note
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Huanrui Century
Year: 2019
Length: 40 episodes
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 2. Sands Hidden In The Raging Sea, Part 3. Qinling’s Sacred Tree and first half of Part 4. Heavenly Palace On The Clouds
━ 2020 ━

Reunion: The Sound Of The Providence
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2020
Length: 62 episodes
— Adaptation of sequel novel Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea

Reunion: The Sound Of The Providence: Side Story
Type: Mini drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2020
Length: 2 mini dramas
• Side Story 1: 平妖往事 Old Tale of Still Demon
• Side Story 2: 月陨回声 Echo of Moonfall
— Original plot based on the characters of sequel novel Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea

Ultimate Note
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Huanrui Century
Year: 2020
Length: 36 episodes
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 5. Ghost Kingdom of The Snakes, Part 6. Homecoming, Part 7. Ancient Mansion Down Under and Part 8: Deadly Mansion, Mystic Cave.
━ 2021 ━

Daomu Biji Comic: Qinling’s Sacred Tree
Type: Comic
Year: 2021
Length: 62 chapters
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 3. Qinling’s Sacred Tree

Daomu Biji Animation: Qinling’s Sacred Tree
Type: Animation
Year: 2021
Length: 12 episodes
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 3. Qinling’s Sacred Tree

Reunion: Corpse of Buddha, Bones of Snake
Type: Webmovie
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: 2021
Length: 1 movie
— Original plot based on the characters of sequel novel Reboot: Listening To Thunder At The Distant Sea

The Lost Tomb 2: Heavenly Palace On The Clouds
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Huanrui Century
Year: 2021
Length: 24 episodes
— Adaptation of Main Story Part 4. Heavenly Palace On The Clouds
━ 2022 ━

Mystic Nine: Mountain’s Begonia
Type: Movie
Year: 2022
Length: 1 movie
— Original plot based on the events and characters of prequel novel The Old Nine Gates
━ TBC ━

Mystic Nine 2
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: TBC
Length: TBC
— Original plot based on the events and characters of prequel novel The Old Nine Gates (TBC)

Archives of The South (unofficial translation) / The South Bureau (MyDramaList title)
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: TBC
Length: TBC
— Adaptation of extra story Archives of The South

Wang Zang Hai’s Kylin Tale (unofficial translation) / Tibetan Sea Opera (MyDramaList title)
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: TBC
Length: TBC
— Original plot based on the events and characters of extra story Wang Zang Hai’s Kylin Tale (TBC)

Tibetan Sea Flower (unofficial translation)
Type: Drama
Backed by/Produced by: Nan Pai Entertainment
Year: TBC
Length: TBC
— Adaptation of sequel novel Tibetan Sea Flower
Daomu Biji in English
In English, Daomu Biji novel is published under the name The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles, also alternatively known as The Lost Tomb. So far, 6 paperback books of Main Story have been released and could be purchased from Amazon as a box set or Kindle e-books. The English volumes go under the following names:
Vol.1: Cavern Of The Blood Zombies
Vol.2: Angry Sea, Hidden Sands
Vol.3: Bronze Tree Of Death
Vol.4: Palace Of Doom
Vol.5: Deadly Desert Winds
Vol.6: Graveyard Of A Queen
Something interesting to also share is that as of today, many of the sequels and extra stories, most notably Tibetan Sea Flower and Sand Sea, are actually not completed. The last-written chapter for Sand Sea came out in 2015. It is unsure whether Nan Pai San Shu will finish them one day. Considering that he is largely involved with a number of adaptation projects – such as supervising the animation series and producing the different dramas and movies – it is no surprise that he cannot write as often. After all, there is a long-running joke in the fandom that our dearest author loves ‘digging pits and leaving them unfilled‘ – meaning that he likes writing more stories of Daomu Biji but would never actually finish them. Way to leave your readers hanging in the air, Mr.Author.
It was reported that the latest sequel novel Daomu Biji: Reboot would have 2 more parts. In addition, up until today, the ever-burning question “WHAT REALLY IS BEHIND THE BRONZE GATE?” has never been answered…
Well then, guess we probably still have a long way to go.

Translator and reviewer at Strictly Bromance blog. In essence, she lives to indulge in plot-driven stories sprinkled with camaraderie and slow-burn drama-free romance, especially more so if they belong to adventure, mystery or supernatural genre. A trope that she always thirsts after: “Comrades who go through life and death together”.

HI I would like to know is the movie ‘misty creed’ before or after the lost tomb, as the ending shows that they have found warring states silk scroll but not sure if before or after as i was confused with what the ending says ‘the appearance of another silk scroll will surely make a wave’.
I want to read daomu biji comic , reboot 2019 one which is still going where can i read it ? App ?website ?
Hello, maybe you can help me put some chronology to where the Rain Village stories go. I know these are *still* being updated, so I’m wondering if they should be considered after Reboot and the sequels, or does it happen in the years between ten years and Reboot? I’m attempting to read everything in chronological timeline and it’s really tough for the side stories!
Hello Michelle Is this right, that the 9th Book of the Lost Tomb is not filmed yet? I have watched Ultimate Note and this ends with the 8th book or not? Where is the 9th book or better is there Ultimate Note 2? Do you know something about this? Thank you so much for your hard work to bring Daomu Biji to us. Much greetings from Dawa
Hi Dawa,
Thank you for visiting the blog. Yes, what you said is correct, the 9th book of The Lost Tomb Main Series hasn’t been filmed yet. Ultimate Note ends roughly at the 8th book. As far as I know, there likely won’t be an Ultimate Note 2, aka there likely won’t be a situation where they’ll keep the same cast and just continue exactly where Ultimate Note left off. If book 9 is getting adapted one day, chances are the producers will (once again) change the cast and also the English title.
That said, no official information has been heard so far regarding the 9th book’s adaptation, so we can only wait and see.
I hope this helps~
I cant wait for the mystic nine season 2
привет, у меня вопрос конца книги море песка: куда делся Li Cu?
Hi again Michelle! 🙂 I just realised that the lost tomb 2 (Cheng Yi and Neo MingHao) the fog island and puppeteer ep 29 onwards do not have in the book version right??
Hi again Syafiqah,
Your comment made me go check ep29 again hahaha coz I’ve completely forgotten by now. You’re right they’re totally not in the book ^^
Actually, at least 40-50% of what’s in The Lost Tomb 2 drama isn’t in the book ( ̄□ ̄;) If they stick exactly to the novel, the drama would have ended in like… 20 episodes, so a lot of the drama materials are actually non-canon.
You can check out the summary of Book 2 for a better understanding of what’s in the book and what isn’t ^^
Thnxx but I wonder if there like a book for the episode that is not in the book? Coz I remember it is also related to the mute warriors and that is when wu xie fainted ,waking up at the snow.
Hi Syafiqah,
As far as I know, there shouldn’t be any such book. The ‘Mute Warriors’ is indeed a canon detail, which was mentioned briefly in Book 3: Qinling’s Sacred Tree. However, the whole shenanigans of Wu Xie waking up in the snow, wandering around the village and meeting a Men You Ming that has lost his memories is completely not canon ^^
Okay thnxx:))
Hi again Michelle ! 🙂 I just realised that The lost tomb 2(cheng yi and Neo minghao) episode on the fog island with puppeteers, episode 29 onwards do not have in the book, right?
Hi I would like to know is the book for vol. 7 & 8 have already been published & have been translated to English?
Hi Syafiqah, vol.7 &8 haven’t been published or officially translated yet, but you can check out Merebear’s fan translations here https://merebear474765851.wordpress.com/
I hope this helps!
Thnxx :))
Hey, I have a question, I thought Ultimate Note was mainly done by Linghe, the same company that worked on Sha Hai? (Because so many of the actors are the same there.)
Hi Rose, thank you for visiting the site. Ultimate Note was indeed produced by Linghe, but specifically, it was a joint project between Huanrui Century and Linghe, while Sha Hai was a joint project between Nan Pai Entertainment and Linghe.
The information given above is not to bring the attention to who produced it but actually to who owns the copyright of which drama (and therefore the main producer). As far as I am aware, Huanrui Century owns the copyright for Part 1 – Part 8 of Main Story, while Nan Pai Entertainment (aka the author himself) owns the copyright for Part 9 (Grand Finale) of Main Story and everything else in the Daomu universe.
I hope this helps ^^
Oh, I see, thanks! I was just confused because UN had everything I liked from Sha Hai and nothing I didn’t like from TLT1/2, so I assumed Huanrui didn’t have much of a role with it xD
Hey, so I was watching Reunion S1, I wanna know how old Wu Xie is in The Sound of Providence, cause it’s really confusing
Hi Alekhya,
Wu Xie in The Sound of The Providence is about 40 years old, since this sequel takes place 12 years after the end of The Lost Tomb (aka the Main Story of the novel).
On the table in the ‘Daomu Biji The Dramas & Movies’ of this article, I’ve indicated which point in the timeline of Daomu Biji that each drama adaptation coincides with. I hope it helps ^^
Hi, I am new to the fandom but I would like to know is that Bai Hao Tian character in the Reunion: The Sound of the Providence drama is in the Dao mu bi ji novel? 😅
Hi Aprillia, welcome to the fandom (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ~♥ Bai Hao Tian is a canon character in the novel too, and she was introduced in almost the exact same way in the novel versus the drama 🙂 The main difference is probably that in the novel, she doesn’t have as much screen time as in the drama, and her relationship with Wu Xie could be interpreted as strictly little sister / die-hard fangirl, whereas in the drama, she seems to have a bit of a romantic inclination for Wu Xie.
Oh, thank you so much for the info!☺️
Hi, I’m very much new to the Fandom, but I have a question.
Is there an English translation for the novel and all its parts? And if so where is it possible to read? I’m sorry for my English😅 And thank your this post, it has been useful for watching the series ✨
Hi TGG:7, thank you for visiting this blog too ^^. The official English translation is up till Book 6: Homecoming. You will be able to purchase the books on Amazon here and some bookstores. After that, you can follow the fan translation of MereBear here, who continues on where the official translation left off.
I just finished the drama series ( the lost tomb and lost tomb 2) and now contemplating to watch the ultimate note (i heard it is the best one so far) or wait for the lost tomb 2 part 2 (heavenly palace on the clouds)..
Since its the continuation of the snowy era right, even tho its not aired yet (idk if the production is done or not, the casts list is still unknown except for wuxie and qiling’s actors, source daomubijiwikia)
And the season 2 cast’s chemistry r perfecttt.
Neo’s WuXie and ChenYi’s Qiling 🥰
Anf for the first series im really shooked to see YangYang thoooooooo his Qiling is perfect too 🤗
Idk why they keep changing actors 🤦🏻♀️
It made me confused, especially when they change the supporting actor, we dont even know who is who unless someone addressed them😂
Oh and also i laughed so hard when i saw Sanxing became baldy 😂😂 on the first season he looks much younger and quite handsome, but suddenly he became an old man with gangster look plus losing all his hair🥲..
I have watched all episode of ultimate note, I am confused right now by the ending of the story. Is there another part to continue the ending of ultimate note like “how is Xiao Ge and Fatty survived at the “Zhang family’s old manor“ and will Wu Xie able to disguise as his uncle“?
I’d also love to know whether there’s plans for another season to cover what happens in the books after the end of volume 7. I’m hoping so! And desperately hoping for the same Iron Triangle trio of actors 😊
Ya hope so is the same actors 😭
This might be a disappointment but knowing the ‘tradition’ of all Daomu adaptations till date, I don’t think they will keep the same trio 🙁 As to whether there’s any plan for another season, there hasn’t been any announcement, but I think it’s realistic to believe that they will keep making more adaptations, since Daomu Biji after all is a valuable franchise. Don’t worry, we should be able to see the ending one day ^^
Haha yeah that’s my worry, but I’ll hold on to hope for a miracle 😆 Let’s hope we don’t have to wait too long until the next one!
Hi Syafiqah, Ultimate Note ends on a cliffhanger since it exactly follows the book. This drama is adapted until end of Book 8: Deadly Mansion, Mystic Cave, the second-last book of the Main Story. Xiao Ge & Fatty’s expedition into Zhang family’s manor as well as Wu Xie’s attempt to disguise as Third Uncle will be told further in Book 9: The Grand Finale. So we’d have to stay tuned for the next drama adaptation 🙂
thank you 😀
have read in an article that the author is planning to make two more volumes after the Reunion season 2, as of now, it is said that the author is still finalizing the novel of first 2 parts of reunion before it will be published and the make the new 2 volumes.
Hoping this 2021 there will updates from him specially the drama series
Thank you very much for your effort Im so happy to be here 💕☺️ btw, does reunion the sound of the providence is the end of the series? or is it the beginning of new adventures apart from the main story?
Hi Ersa, Reunion The Sound of The Providence takes place 12 years after Main Story. As to whether it is the end of Daomu Biji, it’s really tough to say… We never received a confirmation from the author that this is the end, but he also never confirms that he’ll continue writing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But a lot of questions are still left unanswered and Third Uncle is still nowhere to be found, so I’d like to believe that it isn’t the end.
ow yes! good to hear it from you 🥺 though a lot of things happenend and the main series may end, but I dont want it to be finished yet, I guess, we could expect more of unexpected turn of events from these series beyond reboot huhu How I wish that we could get confirmation from the author, himself, . I heard that there is a conflict of copyright to Hanrui Century? Are they ginna continue the drama until vol. 9? or it will be taken by the Nan Pai Production? btw, I am so grateful to be part of this fandom and to you 🥰
Hi, I just joined the club. So where should I start? xD
Welcome welcome. What a dangerous club you’ve decided to join hohoho (okay, don’t be scared. Stay please xD)
While I always personally recommend to start with the first novel: The Seven-Star Palace of Lu Shang Wang, you can also try out season 1 of The Lost Tomb (2015). Albeit be warned that season 1 adaptation was relatively… underwhelming. Also, the adaptations aren’t complete as of today, and different seasons are a bit inconsistent in terms of story flow since they’re made by different producers.
After that, you can follow the order written above. I have specified the exact order to either read the books or watch the dramas in the post 🙂
please can someone tell me why was huo dao fu evil in tomb of the sea but was not in reunion and is xiao ge really died in tomb of the sea
Hi Radwa, I haven’t watched Tomb of The Sea and thus not familiar with the character Huo Dao Fu in that drama, but I can guess that he isn’t meant to be an evil character, rather, he just doesn’t get along well with Wu Xie? (If anyone knows better, please feel free to reply to this).
On Xiao Ge, he’s technically staying behind the Bronze Gate during the timeline of Tomb of The Sea, so no, he isn’t dead.
I think now we can safely say that ultimate note gonna cover books from 5 to 7. Sorry if you know this information already
Ah yeah I’m aware of it and actually planning to update the post once the whole drama is over. Still thanks for letting me know ^^