The Invasion Day

The Invasion Day – Chapter 41

Table of Contents | Character Guide

Chapter 41 

These tender-looking weeds truly had everyone’s jaw drop because they could poke open a full concrete layer of 10 centimeters!

Tang Xuhai clutched a block of concrete and pressed his fingers on it. The thick block was indeed very hard.

Fu Shiwu also squatted down beside him. He almost lay down, holding the edge of the cracked concrete block with both hands, then started to clear out the fragments one by one. As soon as Tang Xuhai saw this, he stepped forward to help. The two worked together and swiftly cleaned up the whole patch of concrete around the mound that was bulging up from the soil.

A shallow hole about a dozen centimeters deep was exposed on the ground, with three seemingly innocent weeds showing their full figure.

“Let’s pull them out and have a look.” Tang Xuhai said.

“Uhm.” Fu Shiwu stretched out his hand to pull one of them.

He definitely exerted quite a bit of force but still couldn’t pull out this weed. Stunned, Fu Shiwu stretched out the other hand, both of which grabbed the roots and pulled on them with all his strength.

But the weed remained completely unmoved.

Fu Shiwu’s shoulders stooped in frustration. He looked at Tang Xuhai in embarrassment: “I’m not as strong as you. You should try.”

Tang Xuhai’s expression was solemn and actually showed no disdain at all. He reached out both hands to grab the weed that Fu Shiwu had tried to pull, but after a long moment, he only slightly loosened the roots.

“It seems that we can’t pull it out. Let’s dig it up.” Tang Xuhai also had to admit defeat.

The two took out two tools from the SUV and each started digging from each side.

A while later, this weed finally revealed its true face.

Fu Shiwu gasped in bewilderment as he looked at Tang Xuhai shaking the unusually large roots in his hand.

Usually a weed’s roots were only 6 or 7 centimeters in length, yet the roots of this weed extended to more than 20 centimeters. They were not only long, but also also extraordinarily strong.

“This weed definitely has mutated!” Fu Shiwu said in astonishment.

“Uhm, it’s very likely that just like humans, these weeds have also gone through mutation and become stronger.” Tang Xuhai said in a low voice.

“And they’re just weeds.” Fu Shiwu looked back at the parking lot. Every few meters, there were cracks or mounds on the ground. “Who knows what else has changed?!”

“I know.” A clear voice came from behind.

Fu Shiwu and Tang Xuhai both raised their heads to see a young man standing not far behind the mound. He looked very young, even carrying an indisputably naive aura around him. He was clad in a royal blue casual shirt with a backpack worn across his back.

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, the naive-looking young man took out a 14-inch laptop from his backpack, his eyes beaming brightly.

He stepped up to the two of them and said eagerly: “I know what else has changed, do you want to see it?”

Tang Xuhai and Fu Shiwu froze for a moment. Regaining his composure before Fu Shiwu, Tang Xuhai said: “Let’s.”

The young man revealed an expression of pure thrill. He sat down on a mound and neatly swept his fingers through the keyboard. Not even a moment later, he turned the laptop around, supporting it with his knees below.

“Look, these are all the species that have mutated so far!” The young man quickly introduced with excitement: “It’s not just human beings, but all the species that have absorbed the heterogenous molecules and mutated are listed here!”

Fu Shiwu felt all his hairs stand on their ends as the images on the laptop flashed through his eyes. The images ware in a slideshow mode, where several of them appear at the same time.

There were a lot more species than he had imagined.

Among them were not only plants, but also various animals.

“These mutated plants include both terrestrial plants and aquatic plants, consisting of trees and shrubs. For animals, these include all species of vertebrates. Hear me clearly, all species.”

The young man continued with a serious expression: “Moreover, according to scientific findings so far, the alien is also a species of vertebrate. Apart from humans, it also hunts large birds and amphibians. As long as they have a brain, they will become the aliens’ targets. If it weren’t for the fact that the aliens can’t breathe underwater, maybe even whales and sharks won’t be safe!”

“What else do you know?” Tang Xuhai raised his head and asked, his face full of alert.

“I also know that there are numerous waves of aliens gathering around Yun City, because people in the surrounding villages and towns have all been eaten by them. The aliens that can’t find food have come together and are attacking in the direction of Yun City!”

This news had Fu Shiwu widen his eyes and stare at the boy with utter shock.

Tang Xuhai looked at him coldly and said: “Why are you telling us this, what is your purpose?” 

The young man’s expression changed. He then carefully put back his laptop and rushed towards Tang Xuhai: “Da ge! Please let me hug your thigh!!!”

Tang Xuhai reflexively kicked him to one side.

Fu Shiwu wondered if he should laugh at or cry for the young man who was kicked to the point of crying: “You’re a bit reckless. Don’t just rush over and get kicked like that.” 

The young man put up a pleading face, the corner of his eye almost glowing with a few droplets of tear: “How would I know that this da ge is so fierce?!”

Fu Shiwu felt both fuming and funny at the same: “What is your name, and what do you do? Why do you have so much information?”

“My name is Miao Jia, I’m a policeman.” Miao Jia blurted.

“A policeman?!” Tang Xuhai and Fu Shiwu said in unison.

“Uhm.” Miao Jia nodded.

Tang Xuhai and Fu Shiwu’s faces were both full of disbelief.

Tang Xuhai even put out a threatening fist and said menacingly: “Boy, tell the truth or I’ll beat you up!”

“I’m really a policeman, da ge!” Miao Jia felt very wronged and very helpless right now.

“Hm!” Tang Xuhai snorted icily, then he stretched out his big hand to pinch Miao Jia’s cheek that was as chubby as a child’s: “Tell the truth! How old are you?!”

Miao Jia’s gaze yes drifted slightly to the side as he said with confidence: “22 years old.”

“Say it again! How old are you this year?!” Tang Xuhai said sternly.

Miao Jia was so frightened he shuddered: “2… 21 years old.” 

“Still dare to lie to me! One last chance!!!” Tang Xuhai’s fingers pressed harder.

“Ouch!!!” Miao Jia tears flooded out: “It hurts it hurts it hurts! 19! This is the truth, I swear!”

Fu Shiwu couldn’t bear watching this show and lightly patted on the back of Tang Xuhai’s hand, then Tang Xuhai finally let go. By now, a few red fingerprints had been pinched into Miao Jia’s face.

“Are you really 19?” Fu Shiwu looked at him skeptically.

“Really 19!” Miao Jia anxiously and sneakily moved to Fu Shiwu’s side, using his body to block Tang Xuhai’s gaze.

Seeing him being scared stiff like that, Tang Xuhai let out yet another disdainful snort.

This little brat had the nerve to lie to him, what 22! He could approximately tell the age of new recruits just by looking at them. This brat’s bones and muscles hadn’t even fully grown, yet he still dared to think about fooling him.

Really trying his luck too much! 

“A 19-year-old policeman?” Fu Shiwu pushed his glasses up and looked at him with his arms folded.

“……” Miao Jia raised his eyes to look at him and decisively took a step back. This man didn’t seem like one he should provoke either.

Why is this thigh-hugging plan turning out so badly? Miao Jia wondered how horrible his luck must be for him to encounter such tough nuts.

In such a world where my life will be gone any time now, I just want to lean on a strong boss. Does it have to be so scary?!

“I’m really a policeman. If you don’t believe me, here’s the evidence.” Miao Jia said: “Although my ID is lost, my gun is still there!”

Miao Jia took out the pistol from his backpack.

“What can a pistol prove? We aren’t policemen and we have a pistol too.” Fu Shiwu said calmly, then he took out the pistol behind his waist. There was no bullet for now, but Tang Xuhai told him to continue putting it at his waist to get used to carrying a gun.

“…” Miao Jia really couldn’t refute this.

Why are you both so stern?! Why don’t you help protect small animals… No! Protect the young?

Miao Jia thought for a moment. There was another way.

“I have other evidence!” Miao Jia gleefully turned around, entered the police’s internal system directly from his own laptop and called up his personnel file: “Look!”

Miao Jia stood by the concrete mound triumphantly with both hands on his hips. His laptop was placed on top of the mound, facing Fu Shiwu and Tang Xuhai.

On the screen was a document with a photo of Miao Jia’s upper half, showing his identity, the unit he belonged to and even his police tag.

“There’s a police tag, and it doesn’t seem fake.” Fu Shiwu turned around and said to Tang Xuhai next to him.

Tang Xuhai nodded, finally agreeing to end this ‘interrogation’.

“You said you want to hug our thighs?” Tang Xuhai narrowed his eyes as he asked in a deep voice.

“That’s just a metaphor. In fact, I mean I want to serve the two da ges.” No longer daring to make any more trouble, Miao Jia said earnestly.

The Invasion Day - Chapter 40
The Invasion Day - Chapter 42

View Comments

  • Cosplay! Maybe he's wearing a relatives uniform to try it out... How would u know if it's fake or not...we are in the era of deep fakes and scary editing software

    • 2014~~ But it is true that he could've displayed but considering how terrible (most, inexpensive) cosplays looked back then, it can easily be ruled out. Plus, Miao Jia has no actual reason to lie about being in the police, y'know? Either way, he just wants to thing hug.

      • Even if it's 2014 there's photoshop, how would they know if that site is legit. Hackers back in the day only had landline phones to screw with you, now in an apocalypse a gifted hacker would be in nirvana, free access without any limitations.

        He can walk into a police station, fluke a uniform with his size because it's the apocalypse... It doesn't matter either way if it's legit or not so long as he's useful.

        • Yes but I'll mention my previous point; regardless, he has no reason to lie considering how useless he is in other aspects. He's a talented hacker who just wants to thigh hug regardless of whether he's a criminal, civilian or officer. They decided to just trust him, as it's unlikely he would bring harm to them regardless of his identity. The worse thing that can happen is that he's a criminal whose either wanted and then arrested or is trying to what- kidnap them? Sell their organs? Capture them? Exchange them?

          Also, I said 2014 as in; logic in novels back then was rather weak.

          • How do you know though, how many movies like unusual suspects or primal fear where it's the wimpy guy whose the real predator, not saying this guy is like that, but who knows?

            Also, when I think of useless people they tend to have the highest kill count, they're the ones that leave a gate open, or drew the horde to your base wiping out everyone, or they get Infected wiping out the group.

          • But the issue is, they needed more individuals to join them anyways. They had to trust someone, so they just trusted Miao Jia. Honestly speaking, knowing Tang Xuhai's personality, he would never let anyone join. He only let them (Miao Jia, Guy 1, Girl 1, etc.) join because they need to travel on a perilous road and escape a future tragedy.

            Also, could you maybe the name of those movies? I've yet to watch any films with a premise like that, they sound really cool~

          • ... Doh!!!... 😑

            But... I just spoiled the whole plot... I mean...😔 I apologise, the plot is totally ruined I should never have said that as an example.😩 But if you can force amnesia then it's possible? If you still want to watch...

            The Usual Suspects (1995)
            Primal fear (1996)
            Memento (2000)
            Unbreakable (2000)
            Identity (2003)
            The interview (1998)
            The sixth sense (1999)
            Seven (1995)
            Fight club (1999)

            I put year so you can search for hopefully the right one is found

  • Miao Jia,,, thigh hugging won’t get you anywhere with this group LOL

    i’m glad he finally joined the group!!

  • The term for "spinal animals" is vertebrates ^^

    I'm really loving this story! Thank you for translating~

    • YES THAT IS THE WORD! I kept telling myself "somehow I feel like there is a word for this type of animal that I used to learn back in secondary-school Biology..."

      I appreciate it! ^_^ and thank you for reading this novel too!

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